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mary ann

good work grasshopper!


Grasshopper??? As in the little guy in the TV series, Kung Fu? THAT grasshopper?

Your lying sister, Mary Ann AKA: Stink Bug, let the cat out of the bag about your new blog...

I love the pix of the Top Hat and the lovely, frothy Capaccino, I'm a Starbucks iced or hot Vanilla Latte fan myself. We don't have small, independent shops like Top Hat in this bustling city of Las Vegas, world capital of the breast implant and fake nail society.

Keep up the good work and thank Stink Bug for the link to your blog. I haven't the nerve to start one of my own.



welcome to the world of blogging.
i have followed your travels with your wonderfully fun sister! i look forward to your posts!


aw.....this is nice....old friends and good food......looks like a lot of fun


Stay away from the eyeliner! Love your new blog...and Lewis is so cute!

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