In preparation for the weekend, allow me to introduce the "lucky cat martini".
I am unsure of the origins of the name . I had my first one at PF Changs and became infatuated with the flavors of pineapple and raspberry and the scent of vanilla everytime I lifted the glass to take a sip. While I normally trust my tastebuds to pick out each individual ingredient in the proper proportion I took no chances with this one. I secretly poured a sample into the container I carry just for this purpose, slipped it into my purse, and stopped at the lab for a content analysis.
With suspicions confirmed I began the testing process. I don't want to provide any of my guests with a drink that might not be suitable for consumption. Please start by sugaring your rim. Sometimes a sugared rim doesn't really matter. In this case it does. The aroma of the vanilla sugar is key to enhancing the enjoyment of this drink. You can make vanilla sugar by just putting a drop of vanilla extract into 1/4 cup of sugar and mixing well, or the next time you scrape a vanilla bean save the pod and put in a container with some sugar and you will be ready the next time you need it.
Wet the rim with a teeny bit of pineapple juice then dip the glass in sugar.
2 oz pineapple juice
2 oz vodka
1/2 oz vanilla syrup
Shake vigorously with ice in a shaker. Strain into martini glass with sugared rim.
Take 1 oz of Chambord and pour it down the side of the glass. It will settle nicely on the bottom.
May I suggest some good old salty spanish peanuts to accompany this beverage? I believe you will find the combination quite pleasing. Happy (almost) Friday!
Imbibing in a Lucky Cat will make you purr like a kitten. Mmmm! Delicious agreed!
Posted by: Ann | 04/28/2011 at 07:58 PM
Yummy! I'll definitely be trying this one, but first I've gotta pick up some Chambord.
Posted by: Barbara | 04/29/2011 at 08:53 AM