Aughhhhh! The most dreaded of all garden chores - edging the beds and applying more mulch. Someone please spare me from this. Why don't kids go door to door and see if you need this done? To heck with the lawn mowing. People like to mow their own lawns. But bed edging? Fugetaboutit! No sane person likes that job.
Then just as soon as you think you are done, ready to go in for some advil and an iced coffee, who comes by? That's right, the garden supervisor. "Hold on a minute there missy, let me check that work".
"Alright that looks pretty good" he says. "You can go ahead and call it quits for the night ....
... as soon as you get done scratching me with that rake handle that is... a little more to the left please."
ROFL! I'm afraid the equivalent of the Garden Supervisor at Longears is Ozzie the Digger and he always feels he should re-distribute the mulch. Grrrrr....!
Posted by: jeanette, mistress of longears | 06/29/2011 at 12:38 AM
I know I have two of those bossy bosses myself. Here she is now... "Pet me, scratch my ears, pick me up"
Posted by: Brian Kasstle | 06/29/2011 at 05:34 AM
Feeling your bed-edging pain. We've got zoysia grass that creeps unrelentingly into flower beds. Need a machete to keep the enemy at bay. :)
Posted by: Judy H. | 06/29/2011 at 08:29 AM
We don't have that problem here but I wish we did as I miss all the green stuff. I love your supervisor. All I have to contend with is gravel landscape and sharp objects like cactus.
Posted by: Nancy Lynn | 06/29/2011 at 09:55 AM
now you know good and well it was CHRIS that was edging those beds while you did a photo shoot. wasn't it?
just checking.
Posted by: mary ann | 07/01/2011 at 02:11 PM
Now listen here - I needed a hand/body double for the rake work and he was glad to stand in, but I am the boss of the edges.
Posted by: Carol | 07/01/2011 at 06:55 PM