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jeanette, mistress of longears

ROFL! All my friends want to skype but I prefer the advantage of the plain old phone: no makeup, pajamas and I can dust while I talk!

Leslie J. Moran

This is exactly what I LOVE about you! No pretense. I hope you have another chair on that porch, you never know when I might blast through Kansas for some granola and a martini! I love this post and plan to make granola now. You are becoming a bit of a guru!:)

Nancy Lynn

Oh my gosh, I love this recipe for granola. So glad you shared it. I would so enjoy this and of course mine will be loaded with raw nuts, dried cherries and berries. The challenge for me will be to have any left for breakfast though. I can't wait to get to the store so I can make this.


You crack me up! And you are quite the photographer.


How is the granola later in the day with a martini? Perhaps one with vodka and a little orange so you can pretend it is morning if you wake up really late one day.

Judy H.

Ha! I only knew about Mason Williams' 'Tummy Gummers' song. Wasn't aware that there were others! I've been a lunch toter, and I'll enjoy trying the granola recipe. :D

Violet Cadburry

Girlfriend, your teeth look shark attack perfect! Who needs paint when you can open your mouth to perfection? And, where is your FTB journal?????

mary ann

don't bite me in budapest.



I found my way here from Sister's blog... the granola looks yummy and I'm going to give it a try. I like the idea of peanut butter in it... all the recipes I've ever seen always called for oil so I've never made it myself.
Thanks!!! Emie

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