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Leslie J. Moran

You're hired! This based on the color of your toenails...and the shoes are FABULOUS!


I'd be completely convinced - and not just by the shoes.

I hope your interview goes well and that we'll soon be hearing good news.

Pat P

If you showed up in those shoes, carrying a cup of coffee in a snazzy handmade coffee cozy, then it's a done deal. (But I don't think I'd mention pulling over to take a picture of your feet. Not til they know you better at least!)


If I were doing the interview I'd want to know if you were planning on bringing your sister a pair of shoes just like that to Budapest this summer. If you answer "yes" you'd be hired!
but that's just me.

Liz in Oregon

Journals, cup cozy, granola, drinkies, gardening, shoes and cats - you're hired as my BFF without interview! Why do you live so far away?? I'm on my second batch of the granola - yet another thing I cannot have in my house as I become obsessed with it. Good luck with job interview!


Pat: see this is why I post these questions so I can get an unbiased opinion on how much information is too much and might tip the scales in an unwanted direction. No mention of the pull-over - check.

Gail Hollis

It wouldn't scare me off, in fact, I want to be that person who does things. You know, just "does" things. You are certainly one of those people and I admire you immensely. Good luck with the job interview. I'd hire you!

marta traughber

I would hire you because not only are your shoes totally cute, but your toenails look great too. And you know what they say about a girl with cute feet..........


Leaving a job after 26 years? Wow! Will you be interviewing for the same type of work? That's a huge step. But I'd hire you just from seeing the coffee cozy, the shoes pix taken on a cobblestone street...icing on the cake.

Let us know how this goes...and you have my permission to NOT take sister a pair of identical shoes...unless you agree to both dress identically while in Budapest.


Love the shoes! Let us know how it all turns out!


I'm not scared at all! I think it's great. It's comments like those that make me feel I'm normal! :)
Love it!

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