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mary ann

can i borrow that scarf and glasses and lip liner when i come out?


Only if you sit for a portrait by me with them on and agree to let me post it right here!

Nancy Lynn

Looking good. I love this portrait. You are a very multi talented person.


I just happened upon your lovely blog. Your pictures are beautiful as is your self portrait.

jeanette, mistress of longears

Fantastic! Hope you cross-posted to Flickr!

Leslie J. Moran

This is really great! I tried the contour method, with not terrific results. Being a glutton for punishment, I'll try this too! I think it could just be that you are so much cuter! :)

Lisa Hoffman

my self portraits don't look QUITE like this, scroll back to second grade and there ya have it.

....the spirit of Play?.....actually, you're really GOOD.

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