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Ahhh...and well you should be tearing up...those are long time relationships, of course you'll miss them, each and every one. But as this door closes, another is opening...new faces, places, forward looking to change, not necessarily better but different. No one wants to become stagnant...we need challenges. Cherish these people for what they've lent to your life thus far. You may be leaving but you won't be forgetting.

Best of tomorrows to you, that's my toast! S'lante !!

Out where the west gets wild.

Judy H.

Couldn't have said it better than Joan (above) did. Best wishes as you go forward into New Adventureland.


The best thing about real friends is that we get to take them wherever we go...in our hearts and in our minds. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back...

Nancy Lynn

I so emphathize in what you are feeling. I retired after 32 years and it was so hard leaving the friends but I will say that over the years we are still friends and see each other here and there which is always fun. I wish you good things in your new job.


It's plain to see that you are very much loved by your work friends.

You've never said before what you do. Now I know and I am not in the least surprised. It takes a special someone.


I've been following the blog and love it! I know you mentioned a search previously. what are you doing next? Are you retiring or moving to another hospital? Best to you,

Nancy in Fair Oaks

I left private industry after 32 years and began a new career in government. I thought I had landed in Oz at first but now I am totally one of the munchkins and don't regret the big leap I made. Hope all your dreams come true at your new job!

Leslie J. Moran

I'm sure every one of your colleagues, not to mention your patients will miss your incredible wit and wisdom. Best of luck in your new endeavors you'll be a star!

violet cadburry

Time to spread your wings, you have been incubated and hatched. Funny how life does that again and again. God Speed:)


sister i don't doubt that you will have a brand new posse of compadres at the new hospital waiting for discovery. discovery BY you. discovery OF you. and don't forgot Hilda and all the other ghosts who live at St. Johns. Of course you'll be taking them with you won't you?

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