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Judy H.

Couldn't agree more. I meet (at least) once a month with a handful of former coworkers. Most of the time we just meet and chat over dinner, but sometimes we take an art workshop or go on a field trip. Priceless. :)


I used to do that with former co-workers, then after a few years we seemed to drift apart. You really have to make a point of including them in other aspects of your life since you no longer have the commonality of work. so many of my former co-workers were not interested in the same things I was. boo hoo.

Out where the west gets wild.


You guys are all adorable! I really enjoy your blog, Carol but unfortunately I can't seem to add it to my Google homepage (like I can Dispatch From LA). I try to remember to keep checking for new posts as I like them all!

nancy (covey member)

what kind of crazy friends are those???..... glad my mom called and said 'Carol made you and Liz the stars for the day!'. This was after she told me that she bought Nutella because you had it in your blog-talk about drinking the koolaid. I remember when she just used to do the crossword puzzle every morning.....

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