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Judy H.

Lewis looks lovely--and sensitive. He appears to be gazing into the future. ;-)


Hello Lewis!

marta traughber

you should be a pet photographer!


That is so precious. What a handsome fellow Lewis is...we have a sofa size poster/photo of our Goldens...AKA: The Boys.

This could be a poster for the end of fall, impending winter. He looks so wistful, like he knows winter is rounding the corner. Brrrrr.

Violet Cadburry

What a handsome dude! How senior is he? I have poster size photo of my senior cat, just a close up of half his face that my son took, it is awesome! Go for it, get the poster. Art should be homegrown not made in China.


I am so impressed you could get your cat to sit still for a photo! My 4 are great loungers-about but as soon as I want to take their pix they suddenly have a million things to scratch or zoom across the room to!

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