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I tell you, between you and your sister, I have found so many new books to read! I thank you (both) so much for your ideas and inspiration! Stay warm, bundle up and enjoy the (cold) weekend!

Leslie J. Moran

This is exactly what you and Lewis should be doing this weekend. I, on the other hand, will be conferring with Chris as to take-out menus! :) Have a lovely cozy time, I think I'll go find some wool and start on my mittens while watching the figure skating. XO

Nancy Lynn

Enjoy your weekend all cuddled up with Lewis and a good book and don't forget the tea and cookies.


Yay!(hand claps). You're gonna love the book!! Keep me posted on your thoughts...

Violet Cadburry

Loved that book, I recognize it from the cover but can't remember what the s**t it was about...does that ever happen to you?

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