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You amaze me with these wild concoctions you find to wrap your lips around. Who would ever have thought of balsamic onion? Let alone throwing Marmalade into the mix? I'm gabberflasted. This might be what prompts you to put rocket fuel on your hair.


I hope you shared some with Chris! After all, the gift tag had his name on it. Then again certainly he knows that happy wife = happy life:)


Oh we believe in the "share and share alike" principle. He knows he can borrow my yoga bag anytime he wants to.


That looks devine! Sort of chutney-ish. Reminds me it's nearly time to make marmalade again.

The light over here is down to practically nothing. Lamps on all day, disappointing photos. Yours look crisp and bright. Every grain of salt on those almonds.

julie macneil

love the idea! i am all for parties that include just me!


Looks delish!! I may have to try making some, thanks for the idea!

Leslie Gardiner

Carol, I look at your blog every day without fail; I also enjoy Mary Ann's Dispatch. I think it's totally a family thing; I know I would love your family! Angie too. What an imp( in her pictures! ). I just wanted to tell you that everything in your posts always looks SO inviting and delicious. A fan, Leslie


thanks for the good chuckle just before lights out!

Jessica Rowley

I love these party ideas , thanks great pics

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