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I wish I could drink wine. Gives me a blasting headache, then makes me sick. Not a good thing. I love the whole wine making culture, all the accoutrements, what a shame!

jeanette, mistress of longears

Would you mind if I use the 1st photo to paint from in my new oilpainting class?

Leslie J. Moran

This reminds me that I have some frozen fig/goat cheese puffs in the freezer and a bottle of red somewhere. Dinner!


So which was your favorite? Any recommendations?


Sweaty saddle and canned asparagus are two wine notes to avoid at all costs. I swear on a stack of JJill catalogs those were descriptors in a batch of wine I bought from the Wall Street Journal.


Robin: this was a nice christmas gift where we got to select the 2 bottles we liked the best as a gift. They were all cabernet's and we picked the Juslyn Vineyards and The Ackerman Family Vineyards as our favorites. Nice present! It was from TastingRoom.com

Susan: Sweaty saddle + canned asparagus sounds like a boys locker room to me. How was the wine?


I once heard a TV wine expert say (about a fruity red) "I'm getting chocolate, blackberries and...mmm... dustbins."

Were all your wines home produced (meaning in the USA of course!)


ha ha ha the wine was so-so but made my pee smell bad (did I just type that?!)

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