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Can I come over for dinner? Looks delicious! (Aren't you the lucky one! A cooking hubby!)

Carol Gossett

Oh, you're clever, you! ;-)

Leslie J. Moran

A very worthwhile tactic we should all practice! :)

Judy H.

Ha! That focus worked out well! We had tortellini soup at our house. :)

marta traughber

That looks so good! I'm going to make that on Thursday.

Michel Murphy

Now that makes winter worthwhile!


Now I know what biscuits look like (not like British biscuits, that's for sure).

What a jewel of a husband!

Dawn E. Nguyen

nice work Carol. I must try your approach with my darling husband

Lisa D.

I live with a man like that! I love it

I'm also about 15lbs heaver then in the past

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