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Jan McCann

Over here its warm enough to go without a coat today, but the forecast for the weekend. Is snow!

Leslie J. Moran



You could use the greenies for a seasonal border/banner on your blog! Isn't it good of me to tell you what to do with your website? I tend to be a bossy pants, just ask my younger sibs.

Love the colors and can totally relate to the change in season...something, a whiff of air, barometric pressure, the message arrives on the wings of breeze, you can literally taste it, the change to come.

jeanette, mistress of longears

And how about 10 am today when it simultaneously rained and snowed? :-)


One evening last week, it was dark when I left work and the spring peepers were singing their song, a sure sign of seasonal change. Sometimes, at this time of year I leave while it is still light, and there is more of that in wonderful sunlight to come next week.

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