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Ok, super hero. - was her green? And technology bliss(hmmmm) now what was the fella in the photo on the left side, middle doing....look suss?..the mountains in the distance look really nice.


I live in the intermountain west but have never been to Denver whose residents are deemed to be the most fit of all the states. Lots of bike/hike paths. Did you get a headache coming from the flat lands to the mile high city? It does affect people. Looks like a fun place to visit.

What IS palliative care anyway...you didn't tell us about it.

I'm VERY impressed with the techy sign in boarding pass doodad...i have a smart phone, the latest iPhone who is smarter than I am. I figure I'll ask Siri how to do this the next time I'm at the airport.


Where did you stay? I am going there in August. Was that the Cherry Creek area?

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