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Carol Gossett

Congratulations! An important topic, and very cool being published!

violet cadburry

How exciting! You are just too talented. Can you post a copy of your article, I would like to read it:)


Being a nurse... I totally understand the bullying. I also have notice the "young eating their old". My sister, also a nurse, (who is now retired) heard the charge nurse in her department state that from now on she was only hiring young nurses! 5 nurses in her area retired the same week (lots of bad karma there). Why don't those in the nursing profession support each other??? I've wondered this for many years.... very frustrating!

nancy (covey member)

hey -- I think you're funny- And thanks for not focusing on my lazy eye!.... and for the memories of course. Let's write together again... oh wait, we are:)-
Have a lovely trip-


Wow! Congratulations, Carol. This is a very important topic. Hopefully it will bring attention and corrective measures to all work environments.


You always look as though you have the greatest fun, even doing something this serious and worthwhile.

Good for you, Carol!


What an important topic. I was in nursing school in 2008 and decided after 1 semester that between the bullying by instructors and the lack of compassion in the nursing staff during clinicals that I just wasn't made of stern enough stuff to do it(I had good grades and a good review during clinicals, just for the record). I am not a kid, I have been through death and divorce and bad bosses. I was very sad to find that a job that is stressful, was made more stressful by some of the fellow nurses. I did find another path, but sometimes I look back and think maybe if there were more mentors and kindness a lot of my fellow students would have been a lot better off. Thank you both for writing this very good article. Maybe you will be able to open more dialog on this subject. I will watch for more articles. Thank you again.


Hi Carol,

I work in a place where the horizontal animosity is gradually increasing and I'd like to stop it before it hits a crescendo. In your article, you allude to a "30-minute educational program entitled "Sadly Caught Up in the Moment: an Exploration of Horizontal Violence". As a nursing instructor at my facility, understanding the way you socialized your results may pay huge dividends by sharing it with the nurses I teach. I was wondering if you might be able to share it?

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