Way in the back of my front garden, where I sit to watch the annual Alium show unfold, there lives a lovely selection of Columbine.
You might look at these and think "good fill in flower, low maintenancy, hardy, comes back every year" and so forth and so on. When I look at them I think about Charlene. She was one of those very graceful, refined, women I had the pleasure of taking care of in the hospital about 7 years ago. During her stay she had some rough days when she felt terrible. One of the ways she helped herself feel better was by talking about things she was really good at. She taught me about the lovely Columbine and when she died her daughter sent me a package of these seeds from her garden.
I remember Char much more for our talks about gardening and knitting than I do for whatever kind of cancer she had. I paid close attention when she told me about where to plant these and how not to give up because it might take a few years for them to get really established. She sure was right.
Charlene also taught me that people who are sick and dying have stuff they need to pass on, if I just stop, sit down, and listen. That is powerful medicine.
Lovely. Thanks for sharing. :)
Posted by: Judy H. | 04/19/2012 at 10:05 PM
I had the pleasure of seeing a lovely collection of yellow columbines...I was going to take a picture of them because they were in front of a very ugly convenience store where lottery tickets sold. This lovely flowerbed held Shasta Daisies, yellow eyed Susans and The columbines...why didn't I snap a photo?
Your patient passed on her love of gardening and her special tips for growing such beautiful flowers...a gift to you, a treasure..
Posted by: Joan Clarke | 04/19/2012 at 11:40 PM
" people who are sick and dying have stuff they need to pass on, if I just stop, sit down, and listen. That is powerful medicine. " this is powerful stuff. Thank you for reminding me to stop, sit down, and listen.
Posted by: Joyce | 04/19/2012 at 11:44 PM
A very special and important message - thank you for reminding me.
That columbine (a favorite flower of mine and I am patiently waiting for them to come into their time here - not before May...) looks much like the wild form that grows here - does it have variegated leaves (cream and green) or is it harbouring one of those bugs that tunnel in the leaves?
Posted by: Renate | 04/20/2012 at 12:08 AM
Posted by: Snap | 04/20/2012 at 07:50 AM
You see, this is what YOU are really good at. Not only do you help yourself, but you truly help others. Wonderful perspective I always share through your eyes and your thoughts. You're so GOOD at it.
Posted by: Leslie J. Moran | 04/20/2012 at 08:20 AM
I am so glad that you decided to blog. You always lift my spirits and often make me laugh out loud. Yes, sometimes I shed a tear (or 20) and that too is a good thing. Thank you for your honesty and wit. Happy Anniversary, Carol.
Posted by: Gail | 04/20/2012 at 12:46 PM
You are such a gift to your profession and to those of us out here in the blogosphere.
Posted by: Jenny | 04/20/2012 at 03:00 PM
Powerful indeed!
Posted by: robin | 04/20/2012 at 09:37 PM