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Joan Clarke

Now you're speaking my language...i'm an avid bird watcher who travels all over the country, Canada & Mexico to see birds. I keep several life lists, a state list, etc. Oddly enough, I've only drawn two birds: a head shot of a hawk and a Burrowing Owl.

If you're in the company of birds on this trip, you'll be in very good company!


I can see that bird on a tote, a mug, a t-shirt, stationery, kitchen back splash, obviously a huge canvas, on a pillow, on socks.... gotta stop my brain is starting to hyperventilate.


Seeing the relationship you have with your sisters has me rethinking the whole only child thing...
wonder if my mum would be willing?

Wonder how I would even bring it up?

julie macneil

you two are too funny! i love how much pure fun you have together. it makes me miss my sister so much, enjoy everyday you have together!!!!


Had to come back to see your bluebird and yellow flower again... so sweet.

Violet Cadburry

Waaaaah! I wanna draw like you!!! My pens are always defective and everything turns our looking like Evard Munch's The Badly Drawn Smile. Yes, that famous face with mouth wide open and no teeth. It could have been a masterpiece, celebrated for centuries, except for his inhibtion about teeth. No doubt as a result of his own teeth issues. It is uncertain whether he had badly disfigured teeth, or just a few token ones, or a pearly white smile. I personally think he was one of those twins who ate the other while in transition in the womb and as a result grew teeth from his you know what. EUUUWWWWW.


Please show you journal pages!

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