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Joan Clarke

Good grief...looks like I have to make a trip to KS...that food (with the exception of the salmon) looks devine...and the custard! I could wade in that stuff...just plaster it all over my body...Holy Moly!

BTW: I bookmarked your blog in my favorites a second time...had no problem getting to it this time. The techy gremlins must have been up to no good last night when I tried to read your post...never could get into it...gave up and went to bed.


THAk lfekoks dehafiacjafs... oh wait... let me wipe up the drool from my keyboard -- ON MY!! That meal got my tummy growling @ 6 am -- it looks fantastic! Love the polenta fries idea! Yet another reason to visit Kansas while I still have my teeth!


CRUEL! The Urban Table is obviously the place to go.

I think I'd choose the salmon AND the polenta fries. Lovely presentation.

Is that M A's hand there, holding her Apple i-pad?

Megan (Ryan's wife)

Looks good! i just ate at their other restaurant BRGR when i was visiting my sister in KC last week.

marta traughber



Food rules!

Give me grub!

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