Please ignore that rude fence that got in the way of my picture taking. Does that M not make you want you to sit down and practice your cursive writing because you know in your mind if you just practice and practice and practice some more you could do it exactly like that?
The M is just the start. I am equally in love with the i and the c and oh that h. And the curve of the a and the swirl of the e and that big show off L followed by the understated s.
If I could change my name to Michael's and write it just like that my life would be complete.
I can show you how to write like that...I can even add a flourish to the M that would blow your mind even further. It's way easier than it looks. Trust me.
Posted by: Joan Clarke | 08/19/2012 at 12:20 AM
For the love of fonts!!!!!!!
Posted by: Emie | 08/19/2012 at 09:09 AM
You're so funny! I can understand your enthusiasm, because looking at the sign makes my heart sing too.
Posted by: Debbie | 08/19/2012 at 10:04 AM
Would that be Carol Michael's or Michael's Mulvenon? Either which way that apostrophe is worrisome :) You are too funny, this is an extension of your doodling.
Posted by: Leslie J. Moran | 08/19/2012 at 01:13 PM