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Debbie Metti

I certainly agree, Carol! I'm in Ohio & voted early by mail...it gives me all the time I need to review any candidates or issues in the comfort of my own home so I can make the choices I'm comfortable with. Beats standing in line for sure...wish I'd had some of those cinnamon rolls to help me, though!


We're all agog over here to know the results. I think I can hear prayers being said, even this far away.

Joan Clarke

I'm in NV, voted first day of early voting as we've done for the past 4 elections. Not too long a wait in line. The early voting turnout in this state was huge! Hoping for the one who will do the best for this country...and will be so glad when the ads are off the TV and no more robo calls. UGH.

Judy H.

We voted early. Today I'm chewing my nails to the quick waiting for the returns to come in. :)


I voted by mail early too, and loved it, but there is something strange about it being election day and not being out in the world/at the polls/etc. a little disconnected...

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