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Joan Clarke

I wouldn't put anything past you...who knows what you'll come up with. Sorry the pix of the garlic bread.

The afghan looks divine...can't wait to see it when blocked. What's the steamer gadget? Do you block large items on the floor?

Kathy Pennekamp

I would read your novel. Have a wonderful 3 days.


My grandfather was stationed in Italy during WWII. His job was photo reconnaissance. I loved listening to his stories too. They don't call them the greatest generation for no reason. The afghan looks amazing!

Rhonda H.

I would not only read your novel, but I would order it through you instead of Amazon even!
I have noticed, Carol, since you came back from the weekend of fun with your sister and Pam how bright and airy your art has become! Maybe we didn't see all that much of it before but I am so glad you are giving us glimpses of it these days!

Violet Cadburry

Your afghan is gorgeous! How long did that take? I have yet to master the fine art of knitting and drinking at the same time.

Michele Unger

Yes! My Friday night was in much the same ilk. I wrote several blog posts and scheduled them for publishing, I got come covers cut for a new journal I am making according to the teachings of one MAM, I watched an art DVD and enjoyed every minute of it and I finished my current bedside table book. Then I slept like a log until the early (dark) hours of my Saturday. And my Saturday is going to be full of various fun activities. Baking a loaf of sour dough bread is the first thing on my list.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Marta Traughber

Friday nights are the best! Beautiful knitting!


a woman who cooks, knits, sketches, and paints, what cant you do, love the sketches, and the almonds sound divine

Caroline Berk

Here is where your knitting differs from mine. I did not see even one mistake in yours. I have a few. BUT I am getting better. I think that the fair isle hat that I have drooled over might be on the list eventually - right now I am still wrapping and turning afghan block (one of which is longer than the others - hmmmmm).

Love your brightly colored pages. They are certainly cheery and might be ready for some journaling. Would your novel fit on those pages?

You are a joy to keep up with via your great blog!

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