I wanted carrot cake for Easter. I wanted coconut cake for Easter. I could find no rationale for having both cakes in the house at once so I compromised. I made a carrot/coconut cake. It was the perfect solution. It is my virtual Easter present to you.
This cake is moist from the carrots, chewy from the coconut, crunchy from the nuts, and fruity from the raisins. It is a perfect cake. I used the Smitten Kitchen's carrot cake recipe and added a cup or so of shredded coconut to the cake batter. I used the Pioneer Woman's cream cheese frosting because it is the only cream cheese frosting I make since I discovered it. I added toasted coconut to the top for decoration.
I have made a deal with myself not to make it more than twice a year. How often you make it is strictly up to you.