Just under the wire. Week eleven of Sketchwars Wednesday completed.
I had some hair trouble this week. In my profile sketch it appears that I have had my hair sculpted by Edward Scissorhands. I was going to show you but thought it might set you up for a really bad nightmare tonight. I would not want that on my conscience.
Is this a self portrait? Looks more like your sister, MAM...? Did you go to a new hair salon/person? Or are you one of those who cuts their own hair. Yikes! I'd hate to think what I'd look like if I attempted to cut my own hair...probably like the actress, whose name eludes me...in Les Miserables. Egad.
Posted by: Joan Clarke | 04/03/2013 at 11:00 PM
I've been Edward Scissorhands for years. One good thing about his cuts: you can count on them looking the same right up until the next cut. tee hee
Posted by: sharon | 04/04/2013 at 01:24 PM