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Leslie J. Moran

That shrimp made me weak in the knees! That is quite the presentation:) Love the dessert.

jeanette, mistress of longears

I think you're supposed to suck the brains out of the shrimp's head. Just sayin.


I am insanely jealous, because there is not ONE thing discussed which my picky eastcoast digestive system would let me eat. no. no. no. lucky you.

Barbara Tarbox

Wait, I am in MEXICO and YOU are in LAWRENCE, KANSAS and YOU get the
Scrumptious Mexican food, what's wrong with this picture? Aren't donas terrific?
And then...add maple/mescal tres leches poured over. My eyes are watering and my mouth is salivating, thanks for sharing.

Joan Clarke

My all time favorite food. I could eat Mexican every meal every day of the week.
I was gobbling up everything with my eyes. Oh, boy...I would have loved eating this meal. Yes Siree Bob! (as my grandmother used to say.)

I can't believe you're finding this kind of food in Lawrence, KS! Blows me away.

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