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Barbara Tarbox

Lovely, lovely,lovely. sometimes our civilized selves, in the best sense of the word,
Needs to be taken out and polished . Glad you put down your camera, even though
The pics are lushious.
Joan sounds like a real Renaissance women to be admired and treasured as I know
You do.
The china, porceleine,crystal, flowers and food all come together in the refined moment.


Miss you Quails!!

Joan Clarke

Lovely. I grew up in a home with a mother who loved a well laid table. It was very impressive as a child I can tell you. As much as I love the fine china, I don't own any.

I'm more the picnic table, red & white checked cloth, corn on the cob, BBQ ribs, tater salad, fried catfish, home made ice-cream, iced tea kind of woman.


I like a well set table too and that looks lovely. And those tea cups -- so pretty! I want to visit your friend too.

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