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if i am not taken here i will be seriously pissed. i want this exact tour. putting in my requests now. you might break your leg between now and then and have to take the week off. that could happen. it's very likely. we can make you a cast.

Judy H.

Love this area of KC. The rhubarb pie looks fabulous; haven't visited YST yet. :)

Janet Ghio

I grew up in Kansas City and I am trying to figure out where this is--can you tell me some street names or numbers?


Is You Say Tomato (the name) anything to do with the differences in pronunciation - American and British? Our American friends make fun of our way but I suppose that's their right, considering the tomato is not native to our islands. The French ignore all that and leave the end of the word off all together!

dianne throop

It's a beautiful neighborhood. I visited one of the houses when it was a showcase house a number of years ago. It had gone from a home to an apt back to a home. My uncle had lived in an apt there in the 60's.

Joan Clarke

The upscale neighborhood looks fantastic. I love old architecture, so many flavors to enjoy.

Now mention Rhubarb Pie and you've got my undivided attention. Holy Moly, that looks so good. It's my all time favorite pie, bar none! My sister makes the best I've ever tasted EVER...her place is a lot closer than YST! I don't know how you say it but I say toe-may-toe...loved the ones that came from my grandad's garden, those big beefsteak tomatoes that were sweet as sugar and a little bit of heaven for the taste buds.


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