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I also enjoy the peacefulness of old cemeteries. Our museum has cemetery walks , where we are taught the meaning of many things we see. If you google "Woodman of the World" , you will learn about the tree stone monuments .
Carol, thank you for your blog. I read EVERY one and have come to know through your words , pictures and sense of humor.

Janet Ghio

I love looking at the gravestones in old cemetaries. Thinking I will be in KC next week to visit a friend-we might drive up to Lawrence-will you be around?

Erika N

You sound like me- in the cooking department. I am going to try your hummus recipe. If you like yogurt you should try making homemade yogurt. One of my kids at school told me how to do it and it is delicious. Heat a 1/2 gallon of milk until it is warm (not boiling). Let it cool. You heat it to kill off anything in there you don't want in yogurt. Then add one single serving size container of unflavored yogurt to the milk- stir, wrap the kettle (I use a dutch oven pot for this whole process) in a towel and place it in your oven for 12 hours. I don't heat the oven, it can be cold, but I think it works a little faster if I stick it in an oven heated to about 150 degrees. But do not leave your oven on while it sits in there. Heat up the oven just a tad (or after you bake some peach cobbler after it is mostly cool) and then put in the yogurt and shut off the oven. Let it be too-don't stir. Save a bit of this batch for the next batch- then all you need is to buy the milk.

Erika N

Whoops-meant to post this in the hummus post-sorry!


Awesome post. I love graveyard photography, and conversations. The tree is wonderful!! Thanks for sharing.


Lived in KC most of my life, and still do, but finally got around to going here a few years back, took some good photos. We met one of the grounds keepers who told us he saw strange things there at night. He proceeded to tell us a few stories so we got out of there as quick as we could. Maybe he was the resident story teller too! I didn't see the gravestone you show here but we were hunting a cache hidden there and the groundskeeper made us want to leave sooner than we would have. Great post BTW.


Died in childbirth at 17! That deserves a big grand tree-shaped gravestone if you ask me.

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