This story begins at a support group meeting in the literal heart of Jesus. It is about Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. There is also a vital cast of supporting characters. You should most definately read it.
I was knocked over by the brilliance of some of the lines in the book. This one has been recorded in my brain so I can replay it when I am disappointed by small things that don't go my way ... "the world is not a wish granting factory." There are very few books I read a second time simply for the beauty of the language. This little gem will be one of those.
Then I had to go and buy 3 "new" books because Lisa told my sister about them and even though I already knew about Maira Kalman, I did not have any books with her illustrations and I got all of these used at Amazon for a few bucks each! Do you suppose Strunk & White will have a cure for my run-on sentence affliction?
Who would not want to read about commonly misused words and expressions while viewing drawings like this to drive home the point?
Your post title brought tears to my eyes this morning. Oh how I wish the world were a wish granting factory. We had a terrible tragedy in our family and community this past weekend and tomorrow morning we will have to say goodbye to a beloved beautiful boy. It's times like these that you realize the harsh reality that the world just doesn't grant wishes even if everyone is wishing the same thing.
Posted by: Jenny | 08/22/2013 at 08:44 AM
I look forward to your audio book reviews, and have just added Mr. Green's book to my listening list. It looks like I will be having a long commute after Labor Day, and audio books make the commute a pleasure instead of something to be endured.
Posted by: Ruth in Seattle | 08/22/2013 at 03:33 PM
John Green is one of my daughter's favorite authors. If you like this book, you'll probably like his others too like "Paper Towns" or "Looking for Alaska". And we've loved Maira Kalman forever. Her children's books are hilarious and she also illustrated another great YA book called "Why We Broke Up". And while we're talking about books, have you read "Tell the Wolves I'm Home"? So good!
Posted by: Annie | 08/22/2013 at 04:23 PM
I'm laughing at Annie (comment above) well, not "at" but just giggling because WOLVES came on the radar via your sister, right?......I love that sometimes....this is a very small World. Maira's art inspires me on a daily basis. I'm happy that you have these in your library......
Posted by: Lisa Hoffman | 08/27/2013 at 01:43 PM