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Rhonda H.

These are gorgeous! I would love to walk through those, may have to make a trip to Kansas next year about this time! They are growing puny sunflowers out here these days, can't find the old large fields there used to be... or have I just gotten taller?

Reminds me of the giant sunflower fields in the movie Everything is Illuminated.

Linda Watson

Omigosh. That's my fantasy of Kansas.


Oh, I miss Kansas. Those are great!

Joan Clarke

A whole dang field of smiles! OMG, I'd love to take a romp through that field, maybe a small part of it, it looks huge. Wish I'd been there to assist in the perspective POV, but I have a pin head and it might have been misleading.

Judy H.

FanTAStic! What a beautiful field!

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