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Go, Carol, go!

Erika N

So where will you be lucky enough to be going to next month? Knitting is great travel entertainment. Can't wait to see how much you get knitted.


Well, if you can dream about getting things done, perhaps I can also!

Joan Clarke

Love the rabbit and the block. I have serious distraction problems, I can't focus on one thing for long. It's affecting my ability to start a book and read to the end. It makes me start looking for something else to knit when I'm only half way thru the first of three baby blankets for the 3 more great grands, 2 have been born, another to arrive in Feb. I'm sure a Feather and Fan will be one of the other patterns I'll knit.

Focus and perseverance are two suits that are lacking from my deck of cards.


I love that bobbly effect on your gorgeous blueberry flavoured Afghan square!!

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