These gorgeous pumpkins were the first ones I have seen at the farmers market this year. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
Right across from the pumpkins were the chrysanthemums.
Pumpkins + mums AND the fact that I had to wear long pants to the market this morning confirms that I made the right decision when I broke down yesterday and had a pumpkin spice latte before October.
This group was singing a hauntingly beautiful, somewhat familiar tune that almost brought tears to my eyes. But I kept it in check. I didn't want to make a spectacle of myself and frighten the tambourine player who was already looking at me suspiciously.
Since I was in a fall frame of mind I went with a mostly orange flower arrangement today. You just can't go wrong with orange. The more the better.
I also decided it was time to resume soup making. Butternut squash shall be first up on the agenda.
I'm sure if you had seen these this morning you would have bought them too.
I always love your trips to the farmers market. Isn't this cool weather wonderful!!
Posted by: Janet Ghio | 09/15/2013 at 07:08 AM
Tomorrow (the 21st of Sept) is the fall equinox when it will be 95F...I've already had my Pumpkin Spice Latte', iced. It's not the same as sipping a hot one on a nippy day when it's 55-65F which is average winter temps in this neck of the desert.
I'm so ready for Halloween, pumpkins, fall leaves, pot roast and/or soups of any kind...
Posted by: Joan Clarke | 09/20/2013 at 07:39 PM