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Michele Unger

Beautiful journal! I'm envious of your art retreat time together. Have a cocktail for me! Don't forget the sunscreen.


PS Happy New Year!!!


I am waiting for the day that the three of you open up your art retreats to paying guests - you could make lots of money and meet your blog friends. Carol, you could feature a new drink every night as you do with each of Mary Ann's classes. Think about it!


I was reading along about your tearing, etc. and suddenly saw Mary Ann's hand. Isn't it funny how much and how little we know about those whose blogs we read? The journal look great, by the way.

Amy at love made my home

I am so impressed with your journal making skills! What a clever thing you are. xx

Susie LaFond

ooooooohhhhhhhh your new journal is the bomb Carol, the bees knees, it is totally rad and awesomely cool. I'm excited for you, Mary Ann and Pam. You guys are pretty amazing when you all get together...it's fun to eavesdrop, be a fly on the wall through the wonder of the blogosphere. I just know you are all going to have a blast and the location is simply gorgeous. It's going to be around 18 below by next Monday so just knowing you will all be someplace warm and toasty will be helpful, I'll soak up the rays vicariously which is the next best thing. :)

Rhonda H.

Have a wonderful time at your art retreat! I loevd hearing about the last one and look forward to more (mis)adventures this time! I am envious that you can find old/used journal covers to use for your visual journal. It looks great! Happy New Year Carol! Hope you have a wondrous year!


can't wait! well done with the journal (and missbossypants...she does know of what she speaks after all! ) looking forward to copying your map ;)

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