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Vicki in Michigan

I had that Barbie!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

We have discovered we can make cinnamon rolls the night before, and let them rise in the fridge. (Covered with plastic wrap....)

In the morning, all we have to do is take off the plastic and put them in the oven. They take a bit longer to bake, but no one has to get up at the crack to make them.

The recipe I use was not intended for the overnight-in-the-fridge rise, but it seems to work fine. I don't know if the overnight rise would work with any yeast roll recipe, but I suspect it might.

-- Vicki, who is not a morning person


Mmmmm, I'm making these tomorrow morning. Thanks! And happy new year to all you Moss folks.

Amy at love made my home

I love the idea that pumpkin makes everything taste better!! Happy New Year to you and yours. xx

Joan Clarke

Yum, Yum! Not only do they taste good but the whole house smells good. My taste buds are doing the cha-cha.

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