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That's a lovely collage that does sum up the best of home.


Sigh. I love your blog. :-)

Joan Clarke

My grandmother always made us cinnamon toast...such a treat for kids and adults alike. I have spread the love of this simple comfort to my own kids, the grandchildren and now the great grands...the love goes on.

I dearly love to travel but I love to return home to my own nest.

Janet Ghio

makes me want a piece of cinnamon toast right now.

Linda Watson

And you do "home" very well. :)

Amy at love made my home

This is no good, you are making me hungry again Carol! I am a little anxious about some things right now and I thought I'll just pop by and see Carol before bed (after midnight here in England) she is so peaceful, and here you are posting about being restful! Just what I needed, so thank you. Happy days. xx


I have two dogs, but I sometimes miss Lewis, Clark and Buck Moss.But I can fix the cinnamon toast thing. I think that I will do it right now, in fact.

Jan McCann

Beautiful photos and words to match!

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