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YOU ARE KILLING ME WITH THESE BROWNIES!!! Both my husband and my rotund self are on self-inflicted diets and you go and show me those brownies. Sigh. Do you know of an online source for will power? I REALLY need some!


Amy at love made my home

I hope that you manage to keep them hidden until you want them, but then I also hope that you don't and that you give yourself a little treat!! xx

Erika N

Don't you just love Joy the Baker? Have you tried her avocado pound cake? Delish! Now I gotta try these brownies too.

Janet Ghio

These look delicious!!


Almonds are healthy. That's good enough for me!


Sister - I know you're saving SOME of those for Anna's visit this coming weekend. I know you're saving MOST of them, however, for when I drop in the following weekend.

jacki long

I gained just reading! I found this sweet, quiet video that I thought seems destined for you ... or maybe you've seen it?
A quiet, thoughtful four minute video

Linda Watson

I'm going to a T'ai Chi Chih retreat in a week and we're supposed to bring "healthy snacks." Almonds are healthy.

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