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Judy H.

Fabulous fern, fabulous pillow, and I am sure...fabulous pie, when it is made! :)

Pat P

I was never very good at french knots, but I think when you make that many, they just have to look good, whether you make good ones or bad ones! (This takes me back to when embroidery was my only hobby.)


Lovely pillow...but that is a LOT of French knots. Like Pat, those have not been my forte. Wishing you the best of luck in finding just the right fabric. Perhaps someday when you're feeling adventurous, you'll create something with your mad artistic skills and have it printed on fabric (think Spoonflower) and then you could embellish it. Something to set in motion inside your noggin. :)

Janet Ghio

That is a fabulous pillow!! And I love making french knots!

Leslie J. Moran

Oh what a fabulous project. I once did a similar idea on a tea cozy! I believe it was a Swedish design. It will be very therapeutic doing all those knots. Good luck and keep us posted :)


Did she print the orange on there? Fabric paint and a rubber stamp(s), carved yourself. Just to make it challenging! (as if a zillion French knots aren't challenge enough!)


Wow! I love that pillow. The aqua tossed in there with that orange makes me swoon. I love making French knots, it's one of the stitches everyone tells me I am really good at. Therefore...I like making them.

Amy at love made my home

Wow, that will be quite some project Carol! Beautiful when it is done though I am sure. xx

Jane Bumar

You are brave! But what a statement piece - hope you will keep us updated.


Fear not brave pilgrim...french knots are addictive... you cannot do just one...!!


Oh yes! What a great project with all those French Knots, one of my favorite things to make!

And that Pillow: Call Your Mother!, a direct message from Angie. Did the hair on your neck or arms stand up on end when you saw it? HA.

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