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Vicki in Michigan

Thank you for sharing the article with us.

One of my husband's long-time golf partners was a retired minister. When my uncle died, Don took my hand in his, looked into my eyes, and said "I am very sorry for your loss."

I've always figured that if anyone knew right things to say and do, it would be Don.

When I hear people mention they never know what to say, I tell them who Don was, and what he said.....

Amy at love made my home

This is a very interesting article. I admire so much the way that you have shared this journey with us Carol, thank you so much for this as it is so helpful and so very very kind of you. I am so sorry for your sadness and loss, but so grateful for your kindness too. xx


Yes, kindnesses seem amplified in the wake of the loss of a Dear One, I found.

Your gracious 'Acknowledging the kind expressions...' touches my heart, too.

Thank you for another lovely, tender, post.



That is an excellent article. Thanks for everything you've provided to us during the course of this journey. I hope you know that I am "present" even though I'm miles and miles away, didn't know Angie and have never met you in person, but I feel I "know" you and your family through your sharing of so many moments with me/us.

There is a sense of loss here but also a sense of peace. I am VERY sorry for your loss...

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