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Chris Oliveira

Complete with the C on the covers...

Erika N

That Joy the Baker is a smash! I LOVE her recipes. Gotta try this soup. Thanks for recommending it.


And we know they are yours because of the "C". What a lovely reminder....not that you need one for Angie.


The soup loves yummy. Love that you have shared soup previously.


Sounds delicious to me! Those are good jars to freeze in also...do you freeze your extras?


This looks delicious and I'm going to give it a try. I made chicken and kale soup the other night and since no one else in my family would eat it I thought of you. I froze the leftovers in individual servings and have been eating it for my lunch too. Here is the recipe if you're interested in giving it a try.

jeanette, mistress of longears

I only recently discovered roasted cauliflower and I have to admit, I don't think I could possibly roast enough cauliflower to have enough left for the soup!

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