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Amy at love made my home

Because you are so very smart!!! Looks as though you had a great celebration of spring. xx

jacki long

Wonderful, as always Carol! ;oD


Of course you ordered both...only a dummy would' t try a couple, at least. I hope your lunch mate ordered a couple of things too so you could each have a little sample of each dish. And I love the name of the place.

Me, I'm hooked on Pho', the Vietnamese dish consisting of a delicious broth of either beef, chicken, pork with noodles and some kind of meat with Thai Basil, Lime, Jalepenos. It's so good I have dreams about it. I'm convinced it's a legal drug. I could eat it every day, morning, noon, or night.


Stunning photos! They are very small meals... maybe they do it that way so you have to mix n match :)

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