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Yep, she sent her message alright.❤❌⭕



Jacki long

I agree completely, be ready! ;oD


Wow, how perfect... I look forward to many more messages from Angie!

Judy H.

Love it! Stay tuned for more messages!


Let's hope!!

Janet Ghio

love this

Pam Michael

This is great. Love the message!!

Jane Bumar

Agreed - she is waving right there at you - so sweet. Thank you for sharing with us.

Pat P

I only share this story with special people. A few years ago, my friend's mother passed away. My friend was on about the second week of paperwork, finishing details, etc., and was driving home. She was stopped at a red light, and the emotions caught up with her. She started crying, letting it all out, kind of getting mad at God at the same time for taking her mother away. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the wind blew a mylar balloon in front of her car. It bobbed up and down a few times, then blew away. On the balloon were the words, I Love You. Doesn't that just give you chills? It did me, and I can never get that story out of my mind. Made me a believer!! If you think it's a sign, it probably is.

Leslie Gardiner

I hope you bought that pillow, Carol. Perfect.


OMG, that made you laugh out loud!


Of course that message was from Angie! I hope that pillow went home with you!

Pat P: I love your story about the balloon that carried such a special message at the moment it was needed....

Jenny walker

Again, :)!

Linda Watson

Oh, how I love this. Yup. She's figuring it out.




Yes, a message from Ange, complete with the proper in flexion. Did the hair on your arms &neck stand up at attention. Or did you reach for your phone? HA
Love it.

Amy at love made my home

What a lovely thought! xx


Love this! You are so right!

Michele R. Unger

The very day my mother died I opened a letter from a friend and out fell a photo of the new pillow top she'd just finished embroidering. It read, "If it's not one thing, it's your mother."

How could I NOT take that as a message from mine? I always felt she was sending a little hug and a pat as if to tell me she knew she'd caused me quite a bit of trouble and grief that day.

I still laugh when I think of it.



Oh, I love messages from loved ones. I am glad you have had the first of many!


love this post!

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