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Oh my gosh! And you got to see it at Liberty Hall! That's so perfect. The first movie I ever saw there was my freshman year of college and it was "A Room with a View". Love and miss that place.

Leslie J. Moran

I'm so glad you too enjoyed it! I thought it a total visual fantasy and loved it. Not for everyone, but just those zany enough to appreciate a phone booth in a hay field :)

Judy H.

We loved it too! :)


Saw the preview on TV yesterday...looks like a total madcap adventure. I doubt it's here, this is the Black Hole of shopping and movies and/or books.

Glad you loved it.

nancy (covey member)

Marti Huff swore that this was a Mulvenon recommendation but momentarily
questioned Oprah of Kansas' sanity! By the time we walked out of the 4pm show today you were redeemed!!! Still laughing, none of us could really describe the visual and bizarre adventure--- other than it was odder than odd AND hysterical!!!!

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