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Oh, yes. I love Mail Art. Have you looked into becoming a member of Letter Writers Alliance? Check them out, very cool mail things in their store and stuff available to members.

I love those clear envelopes...do you have a source? I have the opaque glassine ones, but really like these.

jacki long

I have just recently started taking some time for mail art, and I love making it surprisingly even more than receiving which I love big time! I'd love to send you one if you are willing?

Leslie J. Moran

The Gift of a Letter! Reminds me, I must read that one again.


I love these! Incredibly fun and funky - you will make the recipient and the mail man smile! Great way to recycle the old calender, too.


can't wait to get mine!!!


Sister! future trip ideas coming to your mailbox. Let me now what you think of my plans.


Mail Art is one of my very favourite things in life!! I miss real snailmail, it was one of the highlights of my childhood and still is! That calendar looks fab!!

nancy (covey member)

Think it was fun from YOUR end.... you should have gotten one in the mail. Now THAT was fun.

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