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I think the Cyber Bunnies got into the Typepad site and hacked it...i
I'll only believe your theory if next Easter, the same thing happens with Typepad.


haha, if anyone can figure it out, "BabyGirl" can!!!

Jane Bumar

That's as good of an explanation as any and better than most - glad you are up and running again girl!

Pat P

And here I've been thinking someone hid chocolate eggs in the master server and forgot about them. And then they melted... and then...

Susie LaFond

I couldn't agree more, I also think that someone put a bag of jellie beans much too close to the whatdayacallit which then proceeded to explode all over the other major thingamajig and that just made things even more out of whack. I can only imagine what that room had to of looked like and if there is anyone who can figure it out it is our Miss Penolope, when that girl digs in her heels and puts on one of her magical, sparkly hats, things get figured out toot sweet. I am just happy I can connect with all of my favorite peeps again.

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