I do not remember the last time I made myself a rum and coke. I think it might have been sometime in 1982 when I was working the the 3-11 shift on 3 West at St. John's Hospital in Salina Kansas. After work we would all head over so someone's house and make velveeta cheese dip, break open a bag of tortilla chips, shuffle the cards and have us some serious Pitch games. Rum and coke was the drink of choice. No special glass and no slice of lime to garnish. Back then it was all about the cards. And we took it seriously.
I made myself a rum and coke tonight after work. Just because it sounded good. There were no cards involved, but boy did it bring back some good memories. As I sipped, I raised my glass in tribute to all my old co-workers, but especially to Florene Girton who at the age of 65 taught all us young whipper snappers how to start IV's, deal with troublesome physicians, respond to a code-blue, and take care of each other as we made our way through those first tender years as nurses.
Too bad you couldn't meet up with those young whipper snappers to toast Florene so many years later.
Rum & Coca Cola...love the song, can't stand the drink (got sick on it. Blech)
Posted by: Joan | 04/01/2014 at 10:11 PM
A good mentor is a gift from God. You have probably been a good mentor yourself.
Posted by: Caroline | 04/01/2014 at 11:44 PM
Love this Carol!
You are my hero, you can do so much with a couple of well chosen paragraphs! My hero! ♥
Posted by: jacki long | 04/02/2014 at 12:15 AM
When I read this--my eyes first go to rum and coke and Salina.
Which makes me think that each city should be matched with its signature drink.
Sort of like how you would expect a city like to Gary, Indiana to be matched with a boilermaker.
I somehow don't match Salina, Kansas being matched with a rum and coke--but I am proud to know that a Mulvenon was pushing rum and coke's back in the day!
drink up!
Posted by: ryan | 04/02/2014 at 05:03 PM