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jacki long

A survivor of teacher's meeting ad infinitum here,
so an authority agreeing ... a perfect description.


Meetings -- blech!

On a cheerier note -- your new blog header is cheerful and Springy!


Insert "party" (with lots of people) for meeting and it's fitting for me!

Judy H.

Ha! Love the poem. :)


I once spent a FULL day in a windowless room discussing each and every word of a proposed mission statement. More processing than any soul can take.

btw, that poem reminded me to make a dental appointment for a cleaning!

Vicki in Michigan

One of the joys of retirement is no more meetings.

I don't remember reading about this one in all the retirement books I read, but it is a true feature of retirement!


oh man I can totally relate to this poem....going to put it in my planner!


I have never heard a positive review of any "meeting". All say they are bored to death, ready to pull hair out, some play games on smart phones, some draw. So my question is this? If they are so ineffective and so dreaded, why are there meetings? Do they accomplish anything, are they productive? It would seem not to be so.

I couldn't bear meetings that results in the poem you've shared.


What I often refer to as paralysis through analysis


Well, that's much more mature than rolling your eyes at co-workers as I have been known to do.


I can't say I have to go to many meetings but I know I feel this way trapped in conversations with certain individuals!

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