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Janet Ghio

That's what I need is a friend with a garden with lots of flowers and I could have cutting rights! Living in a condo has pluses and minuses and not having flowers to pick is definitely a minus!!


Beautiful! Yay, Pam!

Amy at love made my home

What a lovely friend! xx

jacki long

That image is perfect!
It would make a lovely painting, card etc?
Just perfect.

jacki long

I was referring toi the first image, but then they are all lovely! ;o)

Barbara Tarbox

I am fortunate to have two sisters like you. One who prompts me to commit petty
Crime and one who radiates sun beams of creativity thereby encouraging me to
Seek adventure at every turn and play with fabric, paint and paper.
Sisters who laugh and play and commiserate and praise, can't go wrong it's just a
Blessing of angels.


Oh how I love peonies...but they don't grow here in the intermountain desert.

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