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I attended a Quilt Show in Palm Springs with classes given by some Japanese quilters who taught with a translator. Their quilts were of such fine needlework, beautiful designs, exquisite hand quilting that they boggled the mind. I have seen very little quilting in this country that could equal their workmanship.

Now getting lost in the corn would scare the wits out of me...I have no doubt one could get lost there and never found. Egad!

Linda Watson

Thanks for the demo with the corn. I'm a believer. :)

Leslie J. Moran

You are as corny as Kansas in .....JULY??? Go back in August....with an elephant if you will. Just singing the song :)


I have been in one maze in my life (Hampton Court UK) and vowed never to do one again. So far so good. No corn is gonna get MW!

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