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Judy H.

FYI: The Roasterie has a little coffee shop (with gift items) and it also offers tours of the plant. :)


I have the same feeling about a bathing suit but somehow they require one for my pool aerobics. I feel quite svelt when I see some of the men!

Jacki long

You are sooo good Carol!
I don't comment often as you get so many ...
But, I never miss a post and have never ...
even read an if-y one! Ever.
You're my blog hero!

Vicki Styons

You are SUCH a good friend to help out with a meal! I wish I had some friends who would just snatch my food away from me as I really do not need to eat every last bite. But, hey, I am a member in good standing of the Clean Plate Club!


Just a FYI, Carol: Fabriano Artistico makes a paper called "soft", it's a cross between hot press & cold. Better for fountain pen ink drawing as it's smoother than cold press, but also allows watercolor paint to retain that sparkle that we all love about watercolor.

Noodler's bulletproof ink is good to draw with. Lexington Gray fades right into the watercolor...

So glad you're enjoying your new sketchbooks, play is so important.

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