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Janet Ghio

That toast looks and sounds delicious! Can't wait to see your blind contour drawing--one of my favorite types of drawing!


Does Jeanette have a blog where we can view her sketchbook? Did you take pix so we can see her work as well as yours?

The toast sounds yummy. I think I'll go make me some cinnamon/sugar toast & have a cuppa tea!


Good point Joan! I just added Jeanette's flickr site above. Don't ask me why I didn't do it to begin with. I might have been on a post toast high.

Jan McCann

Wonderful, from the toast to the paintings! Thank you for a treat.


Well, I went to Jeanette's Flickr site...my goodness, her work is wonderful. I want to paint like her when I grow up. Might be a problem since I'm probably 25 yrs older than she is!

I didn't see your journal...c'mon, share with us.

jeanette, mistress of longears

And of course you will return the favor when I finally get around to posting my blind contour drawing of you.....even if it resembles someone from the Home...:-)


but did you draw rabbits?

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